Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Quick notes: Amazon model, Russian moves...

  • Former Walmart CEO wants Amazon split up:  "They're not making money in retail, and they're putting retailers out of business. Amazon has operated its retail segment at a loss for decades, subsidizing the retail portion of its business with profits from other areas, such as web services. It's anti-competitive, it's predatory, and it's not right.".... Lesson for India!

  • Putin tightens Turkey alliance with nuclear project... Russia is arming the Afghan Taliban.... Yazidis remain in fear on Iraq's Mount Sinjar after attempted genocide

  • Breakfast cereal: Why cereal is NOT your best breakfast bet

  • Abhinav Seetharaman: The beauty that is Sanskrit

  • Who sponsors these studies? A questionable new study "explains" the origins of ancient Indians

  • Dumping pesticides: Ducks are the future for pesticide-free rice farms

  • Breakfast cereal: Why cereal is NOT your best breakfast bet

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